Tuesday, October 05, 2004


VP Debate -- Partway Through

Why does this moderator keep giving Cheney a :30 rebuttal, but then not let Edwards have his :30? She's done that twice so far. (Or are the rules different? Aren't they both supposed to get :30 for a total of one minute?)

OK, my take so far:
Cheney is doing what Bush should have done. He's supporting his assertions with specific data (never mind for a moment the veracity of his claims); he's calm and unruffled; he "sells" the "I've been there, done that" position that Bush didn't sell with his "I get the reports every morning. I know Osama Bin Laden attacked us" nonsense.

Similarly, Edwards is doing what Kerry should have done. Edwards is taking on every questionable fact or assertion that Cheney makes. He's showing what I think is a proper amount of annoyance and walking that fine line between calling Cheney out vs. sounding shrill.

These two men are at the top of their game. I wish their running mates would take notes.

10:08 p.m. It's close, but I think this one will be called for Cheney. Edwards needs to do more than counter-punch. He needs to score some knock-outs and he just hasn't so far.

10:15 p.m. Uh oh, Edwards screwed up on the question about his qualifications. What he should have said is that he has more foreign policy experience than Bush had when he was elected. He totally fumbled that question, which he had to know was coming. Cheney's response is a good one.

Parting Thoughts:
Cheney's line that he'd never met Edwards before tonight was a good zinger. Turns out it's not true. They've met at least twice before, and that's what Elizabeth Edwards whispered in Cheney's ear when she greeted him onstage. Don't wanna take her word for it? A picture's worth a thousand words.

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