Tuesday, October 19, 2004


The Gay Thing

I winced when Kerry made the comment during the debate. Not because I thought it was wrong, but because I sensed that it would be perceived as in poor taste. Never did I think it'd be the hot topic on cable news with less than two weeks to go. What's incredible to me is how the Republicans are so quickly defending the Cheneys when they so often vigorously oppose equal protection for gays and send out vile flyers warning voters that Democrats will ban Bibles and allow gays to marry.

But what do I know? Once again, I send you to
my favorite conservative, Andrew Sullivan. He writes:

" . . . if Kerry congratulated the president on the conduct and charm of his straight daughters--as he did in the first debate--no one would accuse him of being out of line, of invading someone's 'privacy.' And yet by congratulating the vice president on the conduct and dignity of his gay daughter, he is somehow beyond the pale of decency. It only makes sense if you believe that lesbianism is something to hide, be ashamed of, or cover up."

It's a thoughtful article. Not that my endorsement means anything, but I recommend it. But then again, I have a crush on him. He's gay and I have a crush on him. (Uh oh, should I not have mentioned that?) :-)

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