Tuesday, October 26, 2004


Allawi Blames Ambush on U.S. Negligence

The situation in Iraq continues to be terrible. Even the prime minister of that country takes issue with our management of things. Quote:

"Iraq's interim prime minister blamed the U.S.-led coalition Tuesday for 'great negligence' in the ambush that killed about 50 soldiers heading home after graduation from a U.S.-run training course, and warned of an escalation of terrorist attacks.

Prime Minister Ayad Allawi told the Iraqi National Council, a government oversight body, that coalition forces' negligent handling of security was responsible for Saturday's deadly ambush along a remote highway near the Iranian border."

We need to face the facts. Nation-building is a long, torturous goal. If we're going to do it (and it seems we have no choice), then let's commit the troops, involve our allies more, and get it over with. The more we keep one foot in and one foot out, the more the situation unravels. The insurgents know they have a foothold now and we're in just deep enough to sink.

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