Thursday, September 30, 2004


Halfway Through the Debate

Aaargh! I could debate Bush better than this. Say this: Iraq is a fucking mess. (O.K., leave out the word "fucking.") Bush blabs about 100,000 police trained in Iraq (in fact, it's around 50,000 according to the Dept. of Defense). Kerry should say, "Oh yeah? How come more people died in September than in any month?" Bush says: "the reason Allawi says they're (the terrorists) are coming across the border is because they realize this is a central front on terror." Dumb ass. He gives Kerry so many freakin' openings and the Senator just does not go through them. I think Kerry gives Americans too much credit. Most people don't know how bad things are in Iraq right now. Kerry should tell them. Just like Bush keeps saying that Kerry says it's the wrong war, wrong time. Kerry should say, we're losing the war cuz you're an idiot. You backed down in Fallujah. You were the flip-flopper. The terrorists are coming across the border NOT because it's a central front on the war in terror, but because we've made such a mess over there that it's given them new safe havens. We can't even defend the safe zone in Baghdad. Never mind the rest of the country.

Oh wait. Finally Kerry has a good answer. He's calling Bush out for saying we fight back when we're attacked and making the point that Saddam is not the enemy that attacked us. Oooh, good answer. I hope people are still watching. He seems to be getting in the groove.

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